How to Communicate Without Speaking

I’ve been stood up. I’m sitting in a coffee shop as I write this. I was supposed to meet someone to discuss business, but the person never showed, despite confirming the time and location with me just yesterday. I texted and emailed them. No response. Seriously guys, communicate! If you have to cancel a meeting … Read more

60 Seconds to Rapport

I’ve been trying out this old technique for rapport building called “mirroring.” This is where you adjust your body language and movement to be similar to the other person’s in a conversation. If they cross their arms, you cross your arms. If they lean to one side, you do as well. You don’t do it right … Read more

What To Do With Your Hands When Speaking

This is one of the classic challenges that people have with public speaking, or speaking in general: what do you do with your hands? Your hands are a powerful communication tool if you can use them correctly. They help to highlight and emphasize your ideas. Everyone who is trying to communicate with impact needs to use … Read more

Melania Trump vs Michelle Obama – Public Speaking Clinic (video)

Melania vs Michelle Speech Analysis The big news story from today is that Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican Convention partly plagiarized Michelle Obama’s address from 2008. Melania Trump and Michelle Obama side-by-side comparisonWatch this video on YouTube Looking at the speeches side-by-side gives us an interesting look at the women’s different speaking styles. And we … Read more