Persuasion Skills: How to Use Charm to Become Irresistible

In 1874, Benjamin Disraeli became UK Prime Minister. Each new leader had to meet with the Queen, who at that time was Victoria. In “The Art of Seduction” Robert Greene tells the story of their first meeting: Two more unlikely associates could not be imagined: Disraeli, who was Jewish by birth, had dark skin and exotic features by English standards; … Read more

What You Can Learn from Barack Obama on Public Speaking

Public Speaking Techniques Demonstrated by Barack Obama (Before He Was President) Here is Barack Obama’s big speech from the 2004 Democratic Convention that put him on the map: Notice his relaxed body movement and purposeful hand gestures throughout. There are several key strategies that Obama uses for maximum impact on the audience. Strategic Monotone and Vocal Range … Read more

What To Do With Your Hands When Speaking

This is one of the classic challenges that people have with public speaking, or speaking in general: what do you do with your hands? Your hands are a powerful communication tool if you can use them correctly. They help to highlight and emphasize your ideas. Everyone who is trying to communicate with impact needs to use … Read more

Melania Trump vs Michelle Obama – Public Speaking Clinic (video)

Melania vs Michelle Speech Analysis The big news story from today is that Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican Convention partly plagiarized Michelle Obama’s address from 2008. Melania Trump and Michelle Obama side-by-side comparisonWatch this video on YouTube Looking at the speeches side-by-side gives us an interesting look at the women’s different speaking styles. And we … Read more

How to Project Your Voice: 8 Strategies to Get Louder

Learn How to Project Your Voice See if this sounds familiar: You go out on a Friday night to bars and clubs, shout at the top of your lungs so your friends can hear you over the loud music, and then later when walking on the quiet street… you’re still shouting! Your body got accustomed to … Read more

Simple Charisma: 3 Ways to Break up the Monotony

We’ve all seen or heard monotone speakers. They are so boring that half the audience is put to sleep by their presentation. Avoid that trap and increase your charisma by becoming multi-tone instead of monotone. Here’s how you can get started: 1. In each sentence, pronounce at least one word in a different tone than the … Read more

Persuasion Skills: How to Use the Power of Emotion to Influence Your Audience

Emotion is a Key Persuasion Skill Centuries ago, Aristotle wrote the book on rhetoric, titled simply, Rhetoric. He outlined three key persuasion strategies: ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos is the Greek for “character.” It refers to the credibility and authority of the presenter. If you are trying to persuade someone, it’s important they see you … Read more